Monday, 19 December 2011


couldn't have done it without him.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

life without grant, aaron, piers and co

i thought i'd miss them.  I really did.  i even got abit emotional when i said goodbye.  they've been here since the end of june.  but it is so nice.  now when it get's to 8.15am i know there'll be no van  revving up the drive and at 8.30 there'll be no need for any cheery hello's or pleasantries.  i can just pad around in my grungey nightie and shout at the kids in peace.  bliss.  then after i come back from dropping them off i don't even have to pretend to do anything important.  i can just sit down and have a cup of coffee and listen to chris evans whittering on and maybe even stroke the cat.  heaven.

there is however a rather alarming patch of damp on the freshly painted ceiling.  please god don't let me have to get them back in.