Thursday 24 November 2011

eh voila

the new kitchen!

the good news is that pumpkin survived the extension (his tail is in shot) and sad news is I think the old kitchen units are being banished back to the basement.
right,  just got to get sink, cooker, taps, worktop, splashback, blinds, and a life.

Monday 7 November 2011

no more the caravan ...

yup we're in the house.  with running water and electricity and heating.  it's amazing.  i can't tell you how nice it feels to have my own bath again.  obviously there are hitches - for example the bath tap is broken and the french door doesn't open and nobody really knows how the thermostat works but we're really nearly there.  on sunday we even ate our lunch in the new kitchen.  i took some photos to prove it.

so what of the dark month?  october 2011.  it was so bleak i couldn't face posting any updates.  not that there were any really.   my builder crush disappeared onto another job - the two timer - and then when he came back for a day i burst into tears.  meanwhile the whole family developed whooping cough in the caravan - coco's still coughing - and my pelvic floor hasn't been the same since . . .